Friday 16 May 2014

Presentation of the Thesis

Friday the 16th of May. Up again after 6h sleep for the presentation of my thesis. There were about 10 people listening to my presentation.

The title (and subtitle) for my thesis is:
Comparation of the studyplan in composition at three different universities
A qualitative study of the studyplan in composition at Tampere University of Applied Sciences, the Sibelius Academy and the Conservatory of Valencia

My opponents made good remarks about my thesis, and as expected I was told that I included too many headings (and subjects) into my thesis and it would have been enough material for three bachelor thesises and that I should have chosen more precisely one of the subjects and should have written more in detail about it. Also my opponent Mikaela Commondt found many language mistakes (which isn’t a surprise after not having written any “serious” text in Swedish since 6 years), which I will correct before I submit the thesis and it goes online. If you are interested you can read the thesis byclicking here.

But my thesis passed and I am very happy with it the way it is! Because in the end; I feel my thesis was very important for my personal growth, and can also be used generally for the future planning of studyplans in composition. And most importantly: I passed (with a grade 3/5)!

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